September 21, 1908 Monday

September 21 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “F. Opher [sic Frederick Burr Opper] & C.J. Taylor / Santa to N.Y.” [MTP: IVL TS 66]. See guests above for Sept. 20.

Helen Kerr Blackmer (Mrs. Henry Myron Blackmer) wrote to Sam.

Hail the dear Curator of the wonderful Aquarium back with the angel-fish Margaret and her mother on Friday at one oclock or thereabouts! There is a lovely little private dining room on the first floor where “new guests” are entertained by members & there we can enjoy a little visit undisturbed. The angel-fish has grown—if possible—dearer & sweeter—& I’m sure you will think that she resembles more thanever your dear Susy— / Anticipating with much pleasure seeing you on Friday—very sincerely yours / The angel-fish’s mother [MTP]. Note: in Twain’s hand: “Mrs. H.K. Blackmer / The Woman’s Club / 9 East 46th street / New York. / I accept with great pleasure / S.L. Clemens”

Frederick A. Duneka wrote to Sam. “How foolish burglars are. Not content with embarking upon a profession which entails unwholesome night work and is often closely confining, they try to rob a house knowing that its most valuable jewel (genius) is unburglarable. / But I am glad you escaped and congratulate you heartily” [MTP].

James M. McCool, grocer in Montgomery, Ala. to praise Clemens for “the softening influences of your works” [MTP].

Nettie Moore Powell (Mrs. S. Powell) wrote from Redding, Conn. asking how she might get Sam’s Autobiography complete [MTP].

In Gloucester, Mass. Jean Clemens sent a telegram to Clara Clemens in Redding. “Reach city at six am. Uncertain about wisdom of taking Anna” [MTP]. Note: from Jean’s Sept. 22 to Lyon, we know that the city she was planning to reach was NYC.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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