September 22, 1908 Tuesday

September 22 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Benares goes” [MTP: IVL TS 66].

Charles Henry Meltzer, reporter for the New York American, visited Sam to question him about the pamphlet that Elinor Glyn had been circulating. The visit is referred to in Meltzer’s letter of the following day, Sept. 23.

In New York, Jean Clemens wrote to Isabel Lyon [MTP]

Dear Lioness; / Saturday the grain man brought a bill for horse-food bought since May. I paid the two orders of Aug. 21st & Spt.—and Dr. Knowles succeeded in getting him to send the bill to the Cowles, first by telling him that if they failed to pay the $41 odd (as without doubt they will) Father would pay it. In case you get the bill it will be from Burnham Bros. The fish man, Nelson, will send his bill directly to you. I have two others, with the slips, here, which I will send to you if you like, if not I’ll wait until you come down.

Also, I wish you would write Dr. James H. Knowles East Gloucester, a nice little note & ask him for his bill. They had been so lovely to me that I hadn’t the courage to ask for it for the few times I consulted him. If it hadn’t been for Dr. K. Mr. Burnham might have either forced me to pay the close to $50 bill or held Scott [her horse] as security. I was somewhat short of funds & I had no very large amount left in the bank, wherefore I was thankful to be helped out of the excessively awkward position. Clara doesn’t think there are any rugs that aren’t being used, but you can let me know in time to buy some, if need be. Then, you remember my blue dress, muff & boa, of course. It’s so nice & considerate to load a weary, ill, be-robberized mortal down with clothing & furniture!

Up to now, Lioness, the money that I have paid out for household things & fares, etc. amounts to $198.27. I don’t need my allowance before I sail but I should like a check for the above amount. Hoping you are better & with much love, / Jean. / I believe George will reach R. tomorrow [MTP].

N.E. Agent and E.R. Kidder for Thomson’s & Co. distillers, London, wrote to Sam after seeing in the NY World an article (enclosed) about his burglary.

Where I underline in red I notice you use the proper beverage as you mention (SCOTCH) but as I am not sure it is (ROYAL ARMS SCOTCH) I am sending you some samples of same so you can have one in each room and one in (the brass thing beside the Kittens) also one in (the thing in the front hall). / Trusting you will have used these up long before the Kittens are cats, I am / Most Respectfully… [MTP].

Robert J. Collier wrote to Sam that he’d promised Alice Minnie Herts to ask Sam for a “very brief autograph pronuciamento about the Educational Theatre which is intended to enclose in a facsimilie form with an appeal for funds.”  He was “off for a month’s shooting in Wyoming” hoping to see him on return [MTP].

F.A. Paddock for Rochester NY Grace Church wrote to ask Sam if he might give them a lecture to help raise funds for their new church [MTP].

H. Tree wrote from Hastings, England to Sam after seeing his address in the papers regarding the burglary. Tree enclosed a “copy of an old print” of the tower he thought Joan of Arc was confined in [MTP]. Note: IVL: “Ansd.”

Annie E. Trumbull wrote on a picture postcard showing H.H. Rogers “Summer Residence” in Fairhaven: “I read your ms. speech in the library this evening and between that and the burglary notice I am … impelled to write and thank you again being a citizen of Connecticut” [MTP].

J. Perry Worden wrote on American Consulate, Bristol notepaper to Sam after reading of the burglary.

Perhaps the account of your experience with the burglar as the Daily Telegraph of London summed it up, may not come before you; hence the enclosed [not in file]. / Mrs. Worden who called upon you in Florence joins in wishing you the blessing of health assured of the warm place you have in the hearts of …the world [MTP]. Note: IVL: “Dear Mr. Worden”

September 22? Tuesday – In Redding, Conn. Sam wrote to Helen Kerr Blackmer (Mrs. Henry Myron Blackmer)  (mother of Margaret Gray Blackmer). “I accept with great pleasure. / S.L. Clemens” [MTP]. Note: because Sam wrote on Sept. 18 to Margery as if his call at the Woman’s Club had already been accepted, it may be that this note predates Sept. 22, which the MTP has placed it with question mark.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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