September 7, 1901 Saturday 

September 7 Saturday – In Saranac Lake, N.Y. while Sam worked to finish “The Double-Barrelled Detective Story,” the rest of the Clemens family was “away all day, on an engagement ten or fifteen miles from here” (unspecified) [Sept. 8 to Pond].

Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers that he had finished “The Double-Barrelled Detective Story” somewhere between 22 and 25,000 words. He planned to take Sunday off.

“There was a report last night that the President has been shot. But there are no newspapers, and no one knows whether it is true or not. It may be only talk; I will hope so” [MTHHR 470].

Edwin Wildman inscribed a copy of his book Aguinaldo: A Narrative of Filipino Ambitions (1901):

“Compliments of / Edwin Wildman / Spt 7 1901 / To / Samuel L. Clemens Esq” [Gribben 770].

Harper’s Weekly, ran Francis E. Leupp’s article “Mark Twain as Inventory,” p. 903. Tenney: “Describes

patents assigned to MT for a buckle strap, self-pasting scrap-book, and history game” [35].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.