January 10, 1881 Monday

January 10 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Pamela Moffett, thanking her for books that her son Sam Moffett had sent. Then he explained he was sending 75 dollars monthly to Orion, “as long as he lives & I prosper.” His largesse was the result of discovering that Elisha Bliss had cheated him out of a “great deal of money.” If he’d listened to Orion’s claims about Bliss, Sam acknowledged he’d “be better off…by a hundred thousand dollars.” So, the monthly money…

…is not my money he is receiving, but his own—& fairly & honestly earned. He needn’t blush to receive it. If I had listened to him long ago, I could have been giving him the income from $50,000 without missing it, all this time. However, I have swept away his past indebtedness. He owes no man a cent—at least he owes me nothing [MTP].

Rose Terry Cooke wrote from Winsted, Conn. enclosing a programme of their entertainment for Wednesday Jan. 12, and giving him train directions. She invited him to bring Twichell [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.