January 3, 1881

January 3 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Moncure Conway.

My Dear Conway: / Your head is right, on the International Copyright. The thing to do is to get something—one can always build to that, but a body can’t build to nothing. We must not expect to perfect any great measure at the first dash. I have torn the title-page out of my “Legends” for Miss Simcox, so that she can send to the publisher at Mayence & get the book. I picked up my copy in Heidelberg, & I prize it above pearls & diamonds. Our small Clara has been dangerously ill for a day or two, & we are all worn out with watching; but she seems to be out of danger, now. Excuse brevity, in the circumstances. With hearty New Year greetings to you & your family, I am

Truly Yours

S. L. Clemens [MTPO]

Joseph Howard wrote a begging letter from Christchurch NZ to Clemens; also asking for help with publication [MTP]

** W. R. Busenbark & O.S. Ford of Chicago sent a printed form requesting an autograph [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “The d—d bilks” [MTP].

January 3–7 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Linus T. Fenn, Hartford furniture dealer. Sam wrote on Fenn’s bill correcting a mistake for purchases made Oct. 2, 8, 11 and 20 last for rockers, child’s chairs, mattress, mirror, basket and towel rack [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.