January 29, 1881 Saturday

January 29 Saturday – Stephen C. Massett wrote from NYC to Sam, enclosing a play bill for his performance in Kimberley, S. Africa. After relating missing Sam at the Brunswick in London, Massett recalled: “What changed! Since Geo. E. Barnes introduce me to you in the “Call” office in 1868!” [MTP]. Sam wrote on the env., “Poor old Jeems Pipes of Pipesville”; Sam replied on Jan. 31.

January 29? Saturday – This is the probable date that Mrs. Karl Gerhardt (“Hattie” for Harriet or “Josie” for Josephine, her middle name) (1863-1909) came to see Sam to enlist his aid in evaluating her husband’s statue and art work [MTLP 397]. (See Feb. 21 entry.)

George Gebbie wrote from Phila. to advise he would be in NY on Monday next, and would like to meet him. He would also send samples of his publication prior to a meeting [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.