May 2, 1881 Monday

May 2 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster:

“Let Dan furnish money to pay bills with, just as long as he will” [MTP]. 

Sam also wrote to his mother, Jane Clemens , and sister, Pamela Moffett, that there was “nothing new to report.” He noted that “Charley Webster was here a day or two ago, & staid the night.” Sam related plans to go to the shore near New Haven (at Indian Neck) about June 1 and then on to Quarry Farm around Aug. 1. They hoped to take the baby to visit them then [MTP].

Board of Water Commissioners, Hartford, billed Sam $24 for Nov. 1, 1880 to May 1, 1881 at $48 per annum; Goerz Bros., “Sole agents for Lion Brewery” billed Sam $9.25 for “12 doz and 4 bottles of pilsner beer”; paid; Fox & Co., fine groceries, billed $63.16 “to Mdse as per pass book” paid May 9; Seyms & Co. billed $3.50 for Apr. 5, 14: “1 bot v oil”; paid [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.