May 30, 1881 Monday 

May 30 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster. Sam forwarded notes he’d made a week or two before, one of which suggested Slote had used his money to pay Kaolatype debts incurred before Sam purchased stock [MTBus 158].

Sam also wrote to Frank Bliss about profits on Tramp Abroad. Sam was to receive quarterly ten-percent royalties, with annual accounting adjusting to half the profits. Sam expected to be paid half the profits by July 1 [MTLTP 138].

Sam also wrote to Karl Gerhardt. “A friendly letter mentioning St. Gaudens’ statue of Farragut” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to James R. Osgood:

I signed the contract and sent it [for the “Mark Twain Cyclopedia of Humor”]. And again, now, that clause about sharing losses comes troubling me. For although such a thing is exceedingly unlikely, there might be a loss instead of a profit—and I would have to pay my proportion of that loss and $6,200 besides! (the money which I stand pledged to pay to Howells and Clark whether the book pays or not.) Come, old man, add a codicil specifying that the $6,200 shall stand as a cash payment on my proportion of the loss. No, I won’t require this—couldn’t if I wanted to!—but I submit it for consideration and prayer [MTLTP 137].

Sam also wrote to Charles Webster, an assortment of business matters, and a direction to “Collect from Herald and former publishers of Galaxy” for monies Sam felt were still owed. He added:

“We go to the Montowese House, Branford, Conn. next Saturday June 4” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.