January 12, 1901 Saturday

January 12 Saturday – Sam met with William Dean Howells as mentioned in his Jan. 13 to Harriet E. Whitmore. See entry.

Clara Clemens’ future husband, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, had arrived in America in the fall of 1900. He stayed at the Brevoort House during his stay in New York, where he gave several recitals, including Nov. 11, 1900 and this performance (see insert ad). Clara writes that it was “only a stone’s throw” from his hotel to their house on 10th. Did she attend this particular recital? Evidently she did, or was impressed by the reviews. She writes:

In this, his first American season, Gabrilowitsch’s success was planted for many years to come. He received the spontaneous title of “Poet of the Piano” from more than one newspaper critic, and such phrases as the following give an idea of his reception in New York as elsewhere:

“Seldom has Mendelssohn Hall been so storm-swept by applause as it was after Gabrilowitsch’s playing of the first movement of Chopin’s B-flat minor Sonata; the grandest, most emotional work ever written for the piano; the storm and stress, the grandeur, the passion of this superbly inspired music were there; it was the real Chopin, the greater Chopin, the many, strong, robust Chopin” [My Husband, Gabrilowitsch 16].

Sam’s notebook: “Mrs. Rogers, 7 p m” [NB 44 TS 3].

Check # Payee Amount [Notes]

Self 125.00

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.