January 7, 1901 Monday

January 7 MondaySam’s notebook lists readings Sam gave for the H.H. Rogers family: “Watermelon / Dead Man (window-sash) / Mexican Plug / Old Ram / Intermish of 10 or 12 m. Ornithorhyncus & poem / Xning Story German Lesson / Began 8:45; ended 10.10 / 1 hr 25 m / Pieces not used: Interviewer / Duel / Golden Arm / Whistling” [NB 44 TS 2]. Note: no doubt certain guests were also there.

A.B. Hervey, “a stranger in Bath Maine” wrote his approval of Sam’s recent speech at the “Civil Club” (City Club on Jan. 4) which appeared in the Brooklyn Eagle on Saturday, Jan. 5, and the reply of the editor. He mentioned that Senator Hoar had said “very much the same thing” about the Philippines, “but for you to say it means that all the world will hear it” [MTP]. Note: George Frisbie Hoar (1826-1904), Senator from Mass. (1877-1904). After the war with Spain, Hoar became the most outspoken critic in Congress against the policies of the administration. Hoar was the grandson of Roger Sherman, founder of Rhode Island.

Ferdinand P. Kaiser, publisher in St. Louis, wrote to Sam. “We have your favor suggesting the possibility that we may have on hand uncopyrighted articles from your pen. We need not say that such articles are extremely rare—but we have succeeded in collecting your ‘remarks on New England Weather’ made at a New Engd Socty Banquet & we are also on the track of your contributions to the Virg City Enterprise Signed ‘Mark Twain’ in 1862.” He asked permission to republish the Hawaii letters to the Sacramento Union that were in RI, and would appreciate his suggestion on anything he contributed to the Buffalo Express that they might republish [MTP]. Note: no recent letter from Clemens to Kaiser is extant.

The New York Times, p. 6 under “Topics of the Times” ran an unsigned editorial—more fallout from Sam’s City Club speech:

—Imitation can be the severest condemnation, as well as the sincerest flattery, and it was doubtless with the intention of expressing in characteristic way his disgust, natural to all patriotic Americans, at the imprudence of the anti-imperialists that Mr. Clemens, at the City Club dinner, professed “a strong aversion to sending our bright boys out to the Philippines to fight with a disgraced musket under a polluted flag.” The professional humorist must vary his effects, under penalty, if he does not, of becoming wearisome at last, and it is an entirely legitimate device for him occasionally to put on a solemn face and with all the accustomed signals of sincerity to exploit with seeming earnestness the views held by foolish or wicked or deluded persons on some great question. The late “Petroleum V. Nasby” did this with brilliant success, and it is no wonder that “Mark Twain” aspires to win a triumph of the same sort. But the plan, though good when skillfully carried out, has its incidental dangers. Mr. Locke avoided them, possibly because he had never justified any suspicion of a desire on his part to preach directly, instead of indirectly. Mr. Clemens, unfortunately, has suggested several times of late that his inclination lies that way, that fame as a humorist does not content him, and that he aspires to add to his own abundant laurels those which lesser men acquire by the maintenance of a consistent gravity. This has now and then proved confusing, even to some of his most ardent admirers, and we very much fear lest his present assumption of anti-imperialism’s garments may deceive the hasty-minded into thinking that he wears them from choice and habit. Of course Mr. Clemens is not so poor a jester that he need paint large on every one of his inventions, “This is a joke,” but he should not go to the other extreme and trust too confidently to the existence of a universal sense of humor. When he talks about the United States flag as “polluted,” it would be only reasonable caution to give us all a reassuring and explanatory wink. Else may mistakes follow—mistakes the consequences of which to his popularity may be serious.

This letter to the editor typified much of the critical response to Sam’s City Club remarks of Jan. 4:



To the Editor of the New York Times:

In this morning’s TIMES you quote Mark Twain as saying, in his speech before the City club, that “he knew enough about the Philippines to have a strong aversion to sending our bright boys out there to fight with a disgraced musket under a polluted flag,” &c.

Now, will THE TIMES be kind enough to get Mr. Twain to explain just what the musket has done to become disgraced and the flag to be polluted, either in the Philippines or anywhere else on this earth where it has been carried? He admits that he doesn’t know much about finance; it may turn out that he knows still less about the Philippines.

Perhaps Mr. Twain does not expect the public to take anything that he says seriously, except his humor.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.