January 21, 1901 Monday

January 21 MondaySam’s notebook: “ ‘Name the greatest of all the inventors. Accident’” [NB 44 TS 4].

Livy and Clara Clemens left New York bound for Washington, where Clara would debut as a singer on Jan. 22 [Jan. 21 to A. Langdon]. Note: They returned back to New York on Jan. 22 at 3 p.m. probably right after Clara’s performance [Jan. 22 to E. Rogers].

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to George A. Gates (1851-1912) in Colorado Springs, Colo.

That speech seems to have stirred up the boys a good deal, and thawed some of the frost out of the pulpit. I am glad you regard the round of cursing I have got from one end of the country to the other on that speech’s account, as a valuable compliment to me; I certainly regard it in that light itself.

I note you are waiting yet for an answer to the mentioned paragraph in your recent speech, and it is my belief that you will wait long before it arrives. There was no one in that conference able to answer it, and no one will be found in the country either able to answer it, or possessing the necessary courage, I think.

Your closing paragraph is an accurate photograph of the present condition of things in the United States… [MTP].

Note: Sam was referring to his City Club speech of Jan. 4. Gates had been in the forefront of the “Kingdom Movement” of the early 1890s, which disbanded by the end of that decade. He had been president of Iowa College, in Grinnel, Iowa; then pastor of a church in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1901, then president of Pomona College, Claremont, Calif; and lastly of Fisk University in 1909.

Sam also wrote to Sarah H. Godfrey in Chicago, who evidently had sought the name of the last boat Sam served on when the Civil War began. Sam answered it was the Alonzo Child, and that she “lay at wharf in New Orleans when Louisiana went out of the Union on the 26th day of January, 1861.” He further stated he returned home on the Alfred .T. Lacey, escaping the blockade at Memphis “by only a couple of hours” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Andrew Langdon, apologizing for being away when he called.

I cannot make out the name of that sculptor as you write it, but it does not resemble the name of any sculptor I am acquainted with.

Olivia and Clara have gone to Washington to-day. Otherwise they would join me in sending affectionate regards [MTP]. Note: Andrew was a wealthy cousin of Livy’s. Livy and Clara went to Washington for Clara’s American debut on Jan. 22.

Sam also wrote to James B. Pond, asking him to send “the first volume down to the house” for him to sign for Winston Churchill, who was touring with Pond as a manager. Sam didn’t think it likely that Churchill wanted him to write in all the volumes [MTP]. Note: the books were likely Sam’s Uniform edition.

Sam also wrote to Robert Reid (1862-1929), well known artist connected with the Players Club, that he’d “reached home from the South on Saturday night,” too late for him to go to some engagement. But, he couldn’t have anyway as he worked “every day, now, Sundays & all, & do not go out in the daytime, lest the interruption break the thread of the work.” Sam was “proud & glad” however, that Reid wanted him around when “making a good time for…friends” [MTP]. Note: Sam returned from Washington on Jan. 19.

Sam also wrote a short reminder to H.H. Rogers. “I shall be at Helmer’s—corner of Madison Ave & 31st St tomorrow (Tuesday) after 5. Remember? SLC” [MTHHR 457]. Note: George J. Helmer, osteopath.

Sam also wrote to Robert N. Stanley in Highland Park, Conn., who evidently was one of many reacting to Sam’s Jan. 4 City Club speech:

You do not need to apologize to me for saying such pleasant words. It is my belief that the things which I have been saying tally with the feelings and opinions which reside in the hearts of all the intelligent men in the nation, but I shall not expect many of them to come out and confess it. They will confess bye-and-bye, when the tide turns and they feel sure they are swimming with the majority… [MTP].

Sam also wrote to William T. Stead in London, England, founder of Review of Reviews.

I am afraid we shall not dethrone Mr. Croker, but a strong effort is being made to do it, and there is a sort of bare possibility that it may succeed. Still, there is also the possibility that if we dethrone him we shall get nothing but a flat man in his place, and there will be no advantage in that.

Sam also directed Stead to send Review of Reviews to his new N.Y.C. address, and said he had not rec’d “Lest we forget” but was hoping it would come soon [MTP].

Note: Richard Croker (1843-1922), American politician and a leader of NYC’s Tammany Hall. After his mayoral candidate, Edward M. Shepard, was defeated in 1901, Croker resigned leadership in Tammany and retired to a country life in England and Ireland. Croker had been involved with thoroughbred race horses in America and England, his horse winning the Epsom Derby in 1907. Thus, Stead would have been familiar with Croker.

Sam also wrote to Ike Stern in Keokuk, Iowa, declining to attend a banquet there [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Harriet E. Whitmore (Mrs. Franklin G. Whitmore) .“Dear Mrs. Whitmore: / No, the earlier translation cannot affect this one in any way. Every translation has to stand on its own merits” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore. “Dear Brer: / Mrs. Clemens has carried the check book to Washington, and I shall remember to attend to the matter when she returns” Sam refused to pay an assessment by Hartford for street sprinkling unless all streets were sprinkled:

“Can you refuse in such a way as to get the matter into a Court and have me come up and testify on the witness stand? If so, I shall always be ready” [MTP]. Note: MTP classified as “Jan. 1901” but the mention of Livy taking the check book to Washington puts it at only this day or the next, Jan. 22, 1901, the only two days in 1901 when Livy was in Washington.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.