January 19, 1901 Saturday

January 19 Saturday – Sam was in Washington, D.C. where he gave a brief interview reported in a special to the New York Times for Jan. 20, p.1.


Calls West Point Cadets Who Indulge in it Cowards.

Special to the New York Times.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.—Mark Twain, in an interview today, spoke about hazing at West Point, and denounced the practice as a brutal one and men who indulge in it as bullies and cowards. “Why,” he said, “the fourth class man who is compelled to fight a man from the first class hasn’t a show in the world, and it is not intended that he should. I have read the rules provided to prevent such practices, and they are wholly deficient, because one provision is omitted. I would make it the duty of a cadet to report to the authorities any case of hazing which came to his notice; make such reports a part of the vaunted West Point ‘code of honor’ and the beating of young boys by upper class men will be stopped.

“I am not opposed to fights among boys as a general thing. If they are conducted in a spirit of fairness, I think it makes boys manly, but I do oppose compelling a little fellow to fight some man big enough to whip two of him. When I was a boy, going to school down in the Mississippi Valley, we used to have our fights, and I remember one occasion on which I got soundly trounced, but we always matched boys as nearly of a size as possible, and there was none of the cowardly methods that seem to prevail at West Point.”

In the evening Sam returned from Washington to New York [Jan. 21 to Reid].

Sam’s notebook lists the location and contents of his safety deposit box and contents: “N.Y. Produce Exchange March 1/01 Safety Deposit Whitehall & Stone Sts. Box 1420. Miss Harrison has a key, & Mrs. Clemens another. 200 Int. Navigan 5% bonds, $20,000. / 100 Chi. & Alton pf. Bonds, cost 8,187 / Plasmon Stock & papers 25,000 / Harper & Marbury contracts / & Huck & Sawyer do[cs] / July 12, 200 U.S. Steel pf. 93 ¾ 20,000” [NB 44 TS 4]. Note: similar pages are in the front or back of other notebooks.

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Harper & Brothers. Only the envelope survives, postmarked late in the evening [MTP: TS: Jenkins Co. catalogs, No. 136, Item 54].

Rogers wrote to Sam, having rec’d a request from Frank Bliss on Jan.18 to leave some of Sam’s royalties in Bliss’ hands; he was willing to pay interest. Rogers wrote he wouldn’t answer Bliss until he’d seen Clemens. “My general method of doing business is to get all the money in hand. I think we should keep the account up as close as possible with Bliss” [MTHHR 456-7].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.