November 13, 1900 Tuesday

November 13 TuesdaySam’s notebook: “3.30 Col Harvey at 26 B’way” [NB 43 TS 28]. Note: George B. Harvey at H.H. Roger’s office.

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Thomas Bailey Aldrich, thanking him for sending a copy of Aldrich’s speech for the Nov. 11 Lotos Banquet in Mark Twain’s honor.

The passage beginning “However, it is not his unique & brilliant humor” is unsurpassable; I believe it has not its match outside the Gettysburg Speech. It was perfectly led-up to, & would have fallen with electric effect upon the house. It is an exquisite piece of work.

But you were right—your place was with Howells, & it would not have become you to take a lower one. Mrs. Clemens & I are looking forward to a good time with you & Mrs. Aldrich after Dec. 12 [MTP].

Sam also replied to James B. Pond.

The pamphlet is received. I don’t call to mind any after-dinner speech of mine worth preserving, unless it might be “The Babies” and “New England Weather.”

Be sure you get Depew’s Lotos speech. Howells & I agree that that was an all-round masterpiece [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers), advising her that he was coming alone to dine with the Rogers and the Rice’s the following evening (Nov. 14). Livy sent regrets as she was booked to see Henry V (see insert ad) with their daughters. “I suppose women have a good deal of trouble rectifying their husbands. It is what they are for” [MTHHR 454-5].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore.

I cannot persuade you to name the sum you need want. How do you suppose I can guess? Do please reform. I’d like to have 2 dozen of those engraved lecture-declinations, if you’ve got them by you [MTP].

William Dean Howells wrote to Sam.

California has nearly swept the Ohio wines out of town, but I think I am on the track of the Put-in-Bay claret, which is very like a Burgundy—no? It is made from the Norton grape. I tasted it just once—in 1866; and I still remember it.

That Authors’ Club reception is to Stedman—not you. But I knew it was some poet [MTHL 2: 725]. Note: Sam had purchased Put-in-Bay, Ohio half-barrels of wine at least three times. See index Vol . I.

Robert Underwood Johnson wrote to Sam, asking if it was too late to “make it worth your while to drop in—say at eleven tomorrow morning…and talk a little with our publishers and editor concerning future work for the Century?” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.