November 21, 1900 Wednesday

November 21 Wednesday – At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton in a playful style that bespoke of his mood.

Dear Laurence dam this paper I never saw such dam paper I had a delightful time at your house as you know & am thankful to you both for it & came home with a delightful companion Mr Palmer & found all happy & peaceful how good God is to us anyway though we do not think of this as much as we ought & I left my razor strop hanging in your bathroom & am skinning myself these days & having a most profane time & yelps & other noises & breaking of furniture send it along do & remember me warmly to Mr & Mrs Cleveland & Mrs Clemens to Mrs Cleveland & all Clemenses respects to you & love to Mrs Hutton which I shall see her Thursday at the Conspiracy amen Mark

This letter to be mailed surreptitious. Too much editing don’t do no letter no good [MTP].

Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers.

I find a lunch & a tea on my invoice for Sunday afternoon, but as you said I could come that night & billiardise with you & Rice, I’ll do it unless I hear from you more differently. If Saturday night “goes,” you don’t need to answer this [MTHHR 456]. Note: the source records Rogers’ “scrawled “All right” across the top of the letter” [n1].

Nov. 21 1900.”

"From his oldest & best friend / Mark Twain .

Sam’s notebook: “Speak about Mr. Rogers—he does not know anybody in [illegible]” [NB 43 TS 29].

Sam also inscribed his photograph to an unidentified man:

The photograph was made by H. Walter Barnett, London

this description? William Dean Howells. However, on Nov.16 Sam wrote Frank Bliss wanted it; Sam at times described Rogers as his “best friend" [MTP]. Note: the friend who might fit for the Barnett photo as H.H. Rogers

Sam went to City Hall to file a complaint about a cab driver (see Nov. 21 entry).



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.