November 2, 1900 Friday

November 2 Friday – At 14 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to William Webster Ellsworth: “All right— make it Dec. 4—Aldine—good time—no reporters” [MTP].

Sam also replied to Andrew Langdon (1835- 1919), Livy’s first cousin. Langdon was a wealthy Buffalo businessman. In 1887 Clemens had made him the subject of an uncomplimentary sketch, “Letter from the Recording Angel” (see What Is Man?, etc.).

“It is a prized compliment & I am thankful for it, but I mustn’t think of it for a moment.

“Thank you ever so much for your kind offer of hospitality, & it is a great pity that Livy & I cannot take advantage of it” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Brander Matthews, wishing he could but he was “full up, that day, & a Lotos dinner in the evening.” Why didn’t Matthews think of some other date? [MTP]. Note: The Lotos dinner was Nov. 12 [Fatout MT Speaking 667].

John Y. MacAlister wrote to Sam enclosing a stock certificate for the Plasmon Syndicate. “There is no change yet in the prospects of the stock Goerz is holding for you. By the way, Goerz’s death has proved to be rather an awkward thing. His executors had to sell the Plasmon shares at any price…but I set to work and am glad to say I was able to find fresh subscribers for the whole amount” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.