November 19, 1900 Monday

November 19 Monday – At Princeton, N.J.. Sam wrote to Channing H. Cook with the American Plasmon Syndicate asking that two pounds of Plasmon be sent to Laurence Hutton since he had been at Hutton’s for two days and eaten up all his supply [MTP].

Sam returned to N.Y.C. He had a “delightful companion” on his trip back, a Mr. Palmer, whom he wrote of to Hutton on Nov. 21 (not further identified).

Sam’s notebook: “12.30 Frank Doubleday—he will come for me. Lunch” [NB 43 TS 29].

In N.Y.C. Sam wrote a postcard to Julius Chambers (1850-1920), author, reporter, managing editor of the N.Y. Herald and the N.Y. World:

“Yours of two weeks ago [not extant] has just reached me—belated. But no harm is done—I had no prepared speech worded, but only skeletonised” [MTP: Swann Galleries catalog, 7 June 2000, No. 1863, Item 228]. Note: this is catalogued as an “unknown place,” but to have received Chambers’ belated note (not extant), Sam would have had to return to the City.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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