November 7, 1900 Wednesday

November 7 WednesdaySam’s notebook: “Harry Rogers at Mr. Benjamins, 46 E 74th 4.30. / Send de luxe— lower than Charley to Miss Mary Benjamin,—write a note” [NB 43 TS 28].

Henry Huddleston (Harry) Rogers, Jr. married Mary Benjamin [MTHHR 743]. Note: Sam’s NB entry reveals he attended the wedding at the Benjamin home, and gave a deluxe set of his books.

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton.

We are gradually quieting down after our delightful dissipations under your happy roof [Nov. 3-5]. We keep the picture of that beautiful house without any difficulty—I know its details better than I know those of any other home except ours in Hartford. We had a good time there—yes, that is an unassailable fact. I’m coming again on the 16th, but I’ll be coming alone, no doubt.—it looks as if that cannot be helped. And I’ll have to return on Sunday if there’s a train. Clara’s days are loaded up with her music-practice, Jean has to attend to her osteopathic treatments, the madam will have to stay & mother the pair, & lose the ball-game & the other good times [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Edmund Clarence Stedman to decline an invitation to respond to “a regular toast” at the New England dinner, feeling it would put “too heavy a responsibility upon an old person.” Sam wrote that he was “coming as my own guest, at my own expense, & shall be a good listener” [MTP]. Note: The 95th New England Society Banquet was held on Dec. 22, 1900. Sam wrote Stedman again on Dec. 12, declining to attend: “I am dead, dead tired of talking & feeding.”

In the evening Sam and Livy took a horse-drawn coupe to Harlem to attend a theatre [Nov. 10 to Walker].

Editor Note
The horse-drawn coupe to Harlem would argue for a 14 W. 10th Street address.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.