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January 1 - Court House, Paris, Kentucky
January 2 - Odeon Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio -
January 3 (Two performances) - Odeon Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio 
January 5 - Leiderkranz Hall, Louisville, Kentucky 
January 6 - Leiderkranz Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
January 7 - Plymouth Church, Indianapolis, Indiana 
January 8 - Chatterton's Opera House, Springfield, Illinois
January 9 & 10 - Mercantile Library Hall , St. Louis, Missouri 
January 12 - Opera House, Quincy, Illinois
January 13 - Hannibal, Missouri
January 14 - Opera House, Keokuk, Iowa
January 15 - Opera House, Burlington, Iowa
January 16 & 17 (two performances on the 17th) Central Music Hall, Chicago, Illinois
January 19 - Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois 
January 20 - Opera House, Janesville, Wisconsin
January 21 - Methodist Church, Madison, Wisconsin
January 22 - Opera House, La Crosse, Wisconsin 
January 23 - Market Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota
January 24 (two performances) - The Grand Opera House, Minneapolis, Minnesota
January 26 - Philharmonic Hall, Winona, Minnesota
January 27 - Methodist Church basement, Madison, Wisconsin
January 29 (two performances) - Academy of Music, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
January 30 - Opera House, Rockford, Illinois
January 31 - Burtis Opera House, Davenport, Iowa 

Bourbon County Courthouse, Paris, KY

Sam took a train to Cincinnati, Ohio for the day, then to Paris, Kentucky for the show.

Under the management of Ozias Pond, brother of James B. Pond:

Odeon Hall, Cincinnati

Sam wrote from Paris, Kentucky to Livy. He was sorry he’d missed going to a soldiers’ home in Cincinnati for General Franklin. I froze to death all last night, & never once thought of Sam Dunham’s camel’s hair shirt—but I did think of it a couple of hours ago, & am very comfortable, now. I mean to lay it on the bed every night after this. When we came to put out our washing yesterday in Cincin, Mr. K. piled out a whole trunkful—all saved up since we were on the road last.

Leiderkranz Hall, Louisville, KY

Sam rose at 6 AM and took a train to Louisville, Kentucky (Cardwell says 8:15 AM train [34] ). They stayed at the Galt House At 4:30 they went to a reception at the Louisville Press Club, and a stop at the Pendennis Club [Cardwell 34]. In the evening, Sam and Cable gave a reading at Leiderkranz Hall. En route, Cable wrote to his wife Lucy about distractions in the audience during performances:

Plymouth Church, Indianapolis, IN

Sam wrote to Livy on the train from Louisville, Ky. to Indianapolis, Ind, relating the dinner of the last evening at the Pendennis Club. Sam remarked on the differences of a Southern audience: In truth, Baltimore, Washington & Louisville prove that none but a Southern audience can bring out the very best that is in a man on the platform. There is an atmosphere of affection for you, pervading the house, that you seldom feel, at least in a strong inspiring way, in a northern audience.

Chatterton's Opera House, Springfield, IL

Sam wrote en route from Indianapolis to Springfield, Ill. to Livy: We were up at 7, this morning, with a 9-hour journey before us & no parlor car. But we are getting along all right. The train stops every half a mile. It is now 1 p.m., & this car has been filled & emptied with farmer-people some 300 times. They are a constant interest to me—their clothes, their manners, attitudes, aspect, expression—when they have any.

Mercantile Library Hall , St. Louis

Train accident on the bridge over the Mississippi River. The engine and baggage car jumped the track. The three entertainers walked across the bridge, took a car to the Southern Hotel, and that night were welcomed by a large audience (pg 37 Cardwell)

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch January 9, 1885, Pg2

Quincy Opera House, Illinois

Cable and Ozias stood waiting with bated breath in the Southern Hotel on Monday morning, January 12, while Mark, enraged by the necessity for rising in time to catch a train at 9:40, attacked a refractory window shutter. Ozias noted in his diary that Mark won the bout. (pg 41-42 Cardwell)

Clemens and Cable stayed with Sam's relatives by marriage, the widow of Erasmus Mason Moffett and her daughters. (pg 42 Cardwell)

Packed house.

Opera House, Hannibal, MO

"In Hannibal on Tuesday, the thirteenth, Twain and Cable stayed with friends, Pond "made out," though badly, at the Park Hotel. A flood of reminiscences was set off among the residents by Sam Clemens' return to his old home, and a sizable crowd attended the reading, though not as large, Ozias noted cynically, as in other places. Clemens was, of course, in great demand among old friends." From Cardwell page 44

Opera House, Keokuk, IA

Delayed by a snowstorm, and “Long past midnight,” Sam wrote from Keokuk, Iowa to Livy. He’d had “no time to turn around, for 2 or 3 days” and so was behind in his letters. He wrote poignantly of his mother and of Hannibal, and an old friend since childhood, Tom Nash. Nash had been deaf and dumb for 40 years and handed Sam a letter which he read and sent to Livy to keep.A beautiful evening with ma—& she is her old beautiful self; a nature of pure gold—one of the purest & finest & highest this land has produced.

Opera House, Burlington. Iowa

Cable rose at four in the morning to catch a train, reaching Burlington, Iowa at a quarter to seven. Sam stayed behind in Keokuk to spend more time with his mother, Jane Clemens [Turner, MT & GWC 88]. The Keokuk Gate City ran an article discussing Sam’s lectures and his greetings to his mother [Tenney 14].

Delayed by a storm Cable held the audience for more than an hour and one half. Twain finally arrived but cut himself short and didn't talk well. (pg 46 Cardwell)

Central Music Hall, Chicago

Sam compensated for the failure the next two days in Chicago, where he and Cable registered at the Grand Pacific Hotel downtown and appeared two nights and an afternoon before large audiences at the Central Music Hall at the corner of State and Randolph Streets. Sam devised yet another ploy to restrict Cable's stage time: to require him to begin his evening reading at exactly 8:00 p.m. rather than wait ten minutes after the hour for the entire audience to be seated. As a result, Sam bragged to Livy, he “talks 15 minutes to an assembling house . . .

First Methodist Church, Evanston, IL

A large audience turned out despite intense cold. (pg 48 Cardwell)

See the Review from The Evanston (Illinois) Index 1885: January 24, courtesy Touring with Cable and Huck

Railroads:  Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago and North Western

Opera House, Janesville, WI

Cable wrote home: Arrived here at 1/30 P.M. from Chicago. Snow, snow, snow! But clear skies overhead and sweet sunshine. So let it be in your heart. Now I must be off to bed so as to be fresh tonight. My health & strength need give you no concern. I weigh 111 pounds...” [Turner, MT & GWC 90]. Note: Cable seldom weighed more, and often less than 100 pounds.

See Touring with Cable and Huck for review.

Methodist Church, Madison, WI

See Touring with Cable and Huck for review.

Opera House, La Crosse

Shortly after midnight, with the temperature at forty-two degrees below zero, they boarded a train for La Crosse, Wisconsin, where they arrived at 9:00 a.m.  [Page 443 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]

Market Hall, St Paul, MN

They left just before noon ... for St. Paul, Minnesota, registered at the Grand Hotel [Page 443 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]

Grand Opera House, Minneapolis, MN

... they transferred their luggage seventeen miles to the West Hotel in Minneapolis and performed at the Grand Opera House [Page 443 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]

See Touring with Cable and Huck for review.

Philharmonic Hall, Winona, MN

Winona Daily Republican; Jan 27, 1885

Innocents Abroad.

Mark Twain and Geo. W. Cable

First Methodist Episcopal Church of Madison, WI

They left [Winona] the morning of January 27 at 5:00 a.m. for a return engagement in Madison [Page 443 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]

Academy of Music, Milwaukee

See Touring with Cable and Huck for review.

Opera House, Rockford, IL

Sam and Cable gave a reading in Rockford, Illinois. Ralph Emerson and wife wanted Sam to “camp in their house, which is the best one in town (Rockford), but” he had to leave at 11 P.M . in a freight train [Jan. 31 to Livy, MTP].

Burtis Opera House, Davenport, IA

After traveling all night to Davenport, Iowa, [from Rockford] the pair “made a great triumph” at the local opera house the next evening, Sam felt “old & seedy & wretched” before the show, but instead of bathing he “drank a big cup of black coffee & went on the stage as fine as a fiddle.” [Page 444 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]