September 9, 1906 Sunday

September 9 Sunday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Oh these days are too full & so my soul is not moved to anything. I can’t keep it up where it ought to be & so I cry & cry.

Mr. Joe Smith lunched here, & he & the King talked over the dramatizing for Dublin use—& for next year—“The Invalid’s Story”. We sat on the side porch & the King read it aloud amid our happy shouting aches & it is arranged. When Joe Smith left with an Eve’s Diary under his arm for Mrs. Joe who couldn’t come, the King went up to bed—tired. But at 5:30 he got up & together we went to call on Col. Higginson who is visiting Dr. & Mrs. Mollis. We sat out on the lovely brick floored loggia & had such a sweet happy chat. Col. Higginson called & Campbell Bannerman called too, but he only wrote “Respectful Congratulation” [MTP TS 118].

C.G.A. (not further identified) sent a “Souvenir of Hannibal, Mo.” picture postcard to Sam from Chicago. “God bless your old soul for having lived.  C.G.A. / 1454 Monadnock Bld. Chicago.” The card showed Huck Finn’s Home, Twain in the entrance of Mark Twain’s Cave, and a photo of Twain. In small print on one end, “Printed in Germany for Savings Bank Dept. Store, Hannibal, Mo. Publishers.”  [MTP].

Mary B. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers, Jr.) in Fairhaven, Mass. began a letter to Sam that she finished Sept. 11. “Today being Sunday dear Uncle Methuselah my thoughts, by antithesis, naturally revert to you, and you season the day for me, not disagreeably you understand, but just tempering my mind to a comfortable wickedness—” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.