September 11, 1906 Tuesday

September 11 Tuesday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to Mary B. Rogers. Only the envelope survives [MTP].

Sam also sent a night telegram to Frederic Chapin in Oak Park, Ill. relative to Chapin’s Aug. 19 concern about producing a play of P&P there: “My contract is in the Safe deposit New York. I do not remember the terms—My secretary goes down tomorrow—Wednesday— empowered to examine it & decide definitely with Miss Marbury” [MTP].

George B. Harvey wrote to Sam about a misunderstanding—there were no plans to immediately publish “A Horse’s Tale” in book form. They could, however, get it out in a couple of weeks, if he wished, but ordinary they would publish it in the spring. What were his wishes about the tale? Harvey added:

I am not returning “The Visit to Heaven” because I have formulated a scheme for publishing it which I believe to the best ever, but I want to have a chance to talk with you more fully about it than is convenient to write, and, as you are going to be here in a week, suppose we leave it in abeyance until then  [MTP].

Sam replied by telegram to Harvey: “Let the tale wait, there is no hurry / Mark” [MTP].

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote to Sam. “‘Utah’ sold yesterday at 62 5/8. / Harpers are using half pages in the daily press to advertise the Autobiography. It’s appearance in the ‘Review’ ought to easily quadruple the circulation of that paper” [MTP].

Mary B. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers, Jr.) finished her Sept. 9 to Sam. “Tuesday / Father R. said he had a telegram from you last night saying you were going to New York this week—I suppose you will not return to Dublin again this year will you? We expect to move into our Tuxedo house about October first…”  [MTP]. Note: this is a long, friendly, folksy letter, but somewhat difficult to read.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.