September 16, 1906 Sunday

September 16 Sunday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Jean, 10:30—porch. 2 weeks & 2 days.

A dreadful kind of day, for Jean would not let me out of her sight. We tried to walk a little but she was not equal to it. Then I dressed up in a clown costume to cheer her up & then she began to read “Kim” aloud to me. But it was a dreadful kind of a day, for she couldn’t keep it up [MTP TS 120].

A.L. Clarke for the Los Angeles Examiner wrote to Sam, enclosing a clipping from that newspaper by C.E. Van Loan, “The Virginia City and Placerville Trail—A Golden Memory,” which told of Hank Monk and mentioned Twain at the end. “I enclose a clipping from the Los Angeles Examiner of this date containing an interview with ‘Windy’ Miller, an old Virginia Stage driver. /It will perhaps inerest you as Mr Miller seems to be peevish over the fact that you and Horace Greeley both overlooked him. / With kindest regards / Your admirer and well wisher…” [MTP]. Note: on the env. Sam wrote “About ‘Curly Bill’ stage driver—[illegible word] of Hank Monk.”


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.