September 26, 1906 Wednesday

September 26 Wednesday – NYC: Sam inscribed a photograph of himself sitting up in bed to Katy Leary: “It is your human environment that makes the climate. To Katy Leary, with the affectionate regards of her friend. / Mark Twain / Sept 26/06” [MTP].  

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Petit mal all day.  / I got up to lie out in the sunshine with a piteously aching & suffering & quivering spine. AB came out with the mail & he took a lot of it away to dictate answers to Miss Hobby” [MTP TS 122].

C.S. Palmer wrote to ask Sam for an interview [MTP]. Note: Sam replied “Pressure of work obliges me to excuse myself / SLC” – Lyon further noted: “This had been one of many requests from a stranger, for an interview,  this little note was the basis of a form often used in replying to such.”

The man Mark Twain labeled as the “Poet Lariat” on the Quaker City excursion died this day in Great Neck, N.Y. Bloodgood H. Cutter was 89 years old [NY Times, Sept. 27, p.1].

September 26 ca. – In Dublin, N.H. Sam replied to the Sept. 26 from C.S. Palmer: “Pressure of work obliges me to excuse myself. / SLC” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.