September 10, 1906 Monday

September 10 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Last night we sat out on the porch for a long time to watch the stars. The King & Jean & I. They were very wonderful. It seemed that almost never before were there so many & we couldn’t tear ourselves away.

Today’s dictation was a heavy one. 3½ hours the King kept at it until he was exhausted, & AB had to stay for luncheon because it was too late for him to go home. The King had placed those people in the hall, for the weather is hot & wonderful & only in the hall could he find the proper temperature. This morning as I sat at breakfast reading Romeo & Juliet—a sudden thought flashed into my mind. A thought of how impossible it ever is to tell out the truth & strong things of life—people can’t stand them. Half an hour later the King called me & said he’d read something so good. That a man can’t tell the truth about himself. He couldn’t write it, for he wouldn’t dare read it if he could & no one could stand the strong truth of it. The King had put that thought in my head. He’s always doing that sort of thing [MTP TS 118-119].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: Plan of this autobiography—Capt. Sellers—Clemens published no literature until 40 yrs. ago, Two letters from Mr. Alden & one from Mr. Rees in regard to “Snodgrass” papers—Clemens’ comments on same  [MTP Autodict2; MTE 228-239].

Roi Cooper Megrue for Elisabeth Marbury wrote to Sam.

Mr. Timmory, who as you know adapted in French your story “How I Became Editor of An Agricultural Paper”, would now like the right to dramatize for all countries two of your stories which he calls under the French titles of “Le Marchand d’Echos” and “La Revolution de Pitcairn”. He would like two years in which to place these pieces. I presume you have no objections… [MTP].

John Larkin wrote from NYC to Sam. “I have your letter of the 7th inst. enclosing check for $75 for which I am obliged. As soon as the corporation [for TN land] has been organized I will prepare a deed for you to sign, and after the stock has been issued for the deed, those shares to which you are entitled will be forwarded to you” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.