December 2, 1906 Sunday

December 2 Sunday – At 21 Fifth Ave, NY Sam wrote a letter of thanks and greeting with a German translation on second leaf to “My far away friends” to an unidentified person [MTP: American Art Assoc. catalog, Mar. 3, 1925 Item 98].

Sam also wrote on a calling card to Robert Underwood Johnson: “Mouldy 71 thanks the Johnsons a thousand times” [MTP].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: Sam’s early experiments in mesmerism, continued [MTP Autodict3; MTE 125-131].  

Edwin M. Beattles wrote from Boston to send birthday greetings to Sam and a clipping from the Boston Journal of Dec. 1. Twain Aged 71 And Alexandra 62


Humorist Says He Couldn’t Help Not Being Born Same Day as Queen.

New York, Nov. 30.—Mark Twain, the humorist, is 71 years old today; and Alexandra, Queen of England, who is not a humorist, will be 62 tomorrow. The grand old humorist received hundreds of messages of good cheer at his home in lower Fifth avenue. The white-haired writer is enjoying excellent health for a man who has passed the three score and ten mile-post of his life.

I feel just as young as ever,” was the statement Mr. Twan gave out in reply to an inquiry. He wouldn’t discuss the matter further.

The Queen of England will be 62 years old tomorrow. When asked if he had anything to say regarding the Queen’s birthday, Mr. Twain declared: “I can’t help it that I wasn’t born on the same day as the Queen. I assure you it wasn’t my fault. England’s Queen has much to be congratulated for during her life.” [MTP].

Grace Kramer wrote from the Hotel Lenox, Boston to ask Sam if there was a book available on the Congo situation. She also offered birthday wishes [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.