December 27, 1906 Thursday

December 27 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam replied to the Nov. 9 from David M. Jones.

Dear Father Jones: /It is a pleasant & welcome greeting and I thank you cordially for it.

The prospect of studying Welsh Over There does not depress me, no, it cheers me. I have been trying to contrive ways to avoid that end of the hereafter because all its described aspects and conditions are so unthinkably stupid and uninviting, but I feel encouraged about it now, and am going to reform and make a try for it. But, mind you don’t fail me. If you do, I shant stay; I will resign my place and come down and join you.

Sincerely yours, and therewith a Merry Xmas to you [MTP].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included:  Mind Cure comments. The sketch entitled “Luck,” and the meeting with Lord Wolseley, the hero of the sketch [MTP Autodict3].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Oh the dear King—Tonight when I walked into the billiard room with 2 pair of scarlet stockings—one pair for Bynner—one for the King to wear as Siamese twins in the show—he was so taken with the color that he said he’d like to wear them all the time for he loves gaudy things. In fact he’d “like to dress like a nigger”. He was dear at dinner—(C.C. has gone to Katonah for a day or so & AB was the 3rd). We were speaking of Jews when he said, waving his hand in the way he does to express vastness, “The Jews are increasing so, and increasing so, that soon there’ll be enough of an audience for another crucifixion.” Over the telephone tonight Lily Burbank said that at the little reception on Sunday when people were invited to meet Mons. le Braz, they left Monsieur in a body when the King came in—& they never left him an instant, they loved him so [MTP TS 154]. Note: Anatole Le Braz (1859- 1926), was know as the “Bard of Brittany.” He was known for his charm and the Government of France sent him of foreign cultural missions 20 times. In 1906 he lectured at Harvard.

Minnie Maddern Fiske wrote to Isabel Lyon asking for Twain’s signature in a copy of HF she sent [MTP].

John Temple Graves wrote for The Atlanta Georgian to Sam. He pointed out that Clemens had never been to Atlanta, and that there was a dedication of a new Masonic Temple there between Jan. 1 and the Spring that they’d like to have him come for. “I recall most pleasantly that my last meeting with you was on the day on which we were both the guests of the President during the early part of the present year” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote to Sam confirming the Bermuda trip. He would “come down Tuesday so as to be there by mid-afternoon” [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.