December 29, 1906 Saturday

December 29 Saturday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

This morning Mr. Clemens talked about the finances. The coming one will be the last year of assured $25,000 from the Harpers. Next year will begin the 40% of the previous year’s income from the books—which this year has been $40,000 & the children must begin to realize that if they have only $25,000.00 a year to live on—they must manage to live on that. Live on the book income, if they can—& try to keep the dividends as a back fund. (He was propped against his pillows, & his beautiful brow quivered with emotion as he spoke of Mrs. Clemens & the children) [MTP TS 155].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: The end of Susy’s Biography: the trip to Keokuk. Clemens speaks of the journey—mentions hearing the leadsmen’s calls on the Mississippi steamboat— He sees his mother, then, for the last time in life—Gives the details of the romance of her life [MTP Autodict3].

Edith Draper wrote from Lancashire, England to offer Sam her and her husband’s appreciation of his books [MTP].

Frank H. Mason wrote from Paris, France to Sam.

To have been thus embalmed in your Autobiography which will be read by generations yet unborn, this is the nearest I have ever come to getting my foot on the ladder of fame….Bless you, dear kind loyal friend, for all you have done for me and mine…I was at Mannheim with poor dear Hay the last three weeks he spent in Europe…He was a choice spirit and I often wonder whether any boys like Hay, Twain, Harte and the rest of that divinely inspired gang are being born and raised now a days [MTP].

Frank E. Tripp of the Elmira Press Club wrote to Sam. “In view of the prominent associations of your illustrious life within the city of Elmira, the members of the Elmira Press Club have taken the liberty of electing you to honorary membership in their organization.”  [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.