December 24, 1906 Monday

December 24 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

C.C. goes to spend tonight with the Gilders & she’ll hang up her stocking. The King wanted to be represented too in that stocking, so he sent me up to Vantine’s to buy a pin—it happened to be a jade pin & is good.

The barber came to trim the King’s hair. The tailor came to try on his new grey suit. I went a’shopping & then Bynner came to dinner. He hasn’t been well for a long time. We went up to C.C.’s room & she sang for us. She sang charmingly & Bynner was brought out of an evilish mood by her “queer voice.” It is a strongly individual voice [MTP TS 152].

Charles S. Smith for the People’s Institute wrote to Sam discussing a “scheme” which he hoped would meet with Sam’s approval. He wanted sam to serve on a General Committee [MTP]. On or after this date Sam replied: “I am quite willing he shall use my name in so good a cause, but I take him at his word that it requires of me no activities as I’m too old & too well loaded up to furnish any” [MTP].

Samuel Post Davis wrote again to Sam, discussing plans and projects to help Joe Goodman from impending poverty. He was selling stock and had a promise from Duneka at Harpers for $150 for an article.

We must not delay in this matter.

Money is impossible here in Carson. I cant raise a dollar on state or county warrents and both banks are busted and will not open until Jan[.]

I enclose the letter [not extant] that you may fully realize the necessity of immediate action but I have led Joe to believe that I have written direct to Harpers. I have written you as you are the only one in N.Y. that knows Joe and I am sure Harpers will move when you ask [MTP].

Charles J. Langdon wrote to Sam enclosing a draft for $88.67, Sam’s share of the Buffalo property rent up to Jan. 1. He complained of neuritis and mentioned a trip to New York to take “electrical treatments” [MTP]. Lyon wrote on the letter: “This family wouldn’t require him to come here we’d have gone to his hotel if we’d known he was here. Wish him a happy N.Y.”

Joe Twichell wrote a short note to Sam. “Yes, indeed, I will go to Bermuda with you, and be overjoyed to. Hurra! Hurra!!” He wanted to know the date of departure [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.