December 3, 1906 Monday

December 3 Monday – Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: Mesmerism continued—The Baron F. incident [MTP Autodict3; MTE 131-136].

Fanny E. Coe wrote from Jamaica Plain, Mass. to Sam. She was “preparing a series of reading books for publication” and wished to use the TS fence episode [MTP]. Note: “Ansd Dec. 6”

Major Leigh of Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam. “I beg to hand you herewith statement of your account for the year ending October 30 last. In doing so, permit me to present to you my congratulations” [MTP].

George B. Merrick, accountant for University of Wisconsin, age 65, wrote to ask Sam’s permission to quote a quarter page and a half page from LM. In the file, a copy of a Diamond Jo Line Steamers booklet, “A 750 Mile Panorama Saint Louis – Saint Paul,” which quotes Twain; he does not refer to it being an enclosure; it bears no copyright page [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.