August 12, 1907 Monday

August 12 Monday – Emilie R. Rogers wrote from Fairhaven, Mass. to Sam, feeling “a little neglected.” H.H. Rogers was “in worse shape than he cared to acknowledge to anybody” and had spoken of Clemens often [MTHHR 632].

Cronin, Reading & Co., Tailors wrote to Sam “We have been waiting to hear from you, re your overdue account £2-15-0. Kindly let us have it by return of post as it was quoted a low figure and dates back to last November [MTP]. Note: this was found in the Sept. 19, 1907 file from William M. Clemens, not Will M. Clemens but a private investigator in NYC. It is doubtful that the bill belongs to Sam.

Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers) wrote to Sam:

You have been a little neglected but not intentionally, I assure you, for I am sure you have no warmer friends than these at Fairhaven. Mr. Rogers came back here on the third of August, a week ago Saturday. He had really been in worse shape than we have cared to acknowledge to anybody. The rest, of the past week, has done a lot for him and he is much improved. He will remain here this week and I hope longer—He has spoken of you many times and, if you care to come, we should all be glad to welcome you to Fairhaven—The Kanawha is in at New York and if you can communicate with Harry he will tell you when she is likely to return. I presume the last of the week—The family sends kindest messages and Mr Rogers says he would like to see “Old Mark”— Yours… [MTHHR 632].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.