August 19, 1907 Monday

August 19 Monday – In Tuxedo Park, N.Y. in the morning, Sam added to his Aug. 17, 18 to Dorothy Quick.

Just a WEEK” since I saw you! Why, you little, humbug, it is over 3 months; even Miss Lyon, who never gets anything straight but corkscrews & potato peelings & things like that, concedes that its’s upwards of two months. What is the matter with your veracity-mill?



It is a good idea, to choose a name in advance, & then fit the literature onto it when the literature comes. I will keep on the lookout for a fortunate name, dear. Write another little story, now, & send it to me. It will take you several years to learn to do a story even tolerably well, & it will cost lots of good hard work, & patient thought, & sharp attention, & close observations, & ever so much tearing-up & re- writing—but no matter, it’s worth the trouble; & no trade is ever well learned on any other terms.

Good-night, it’s sleep-time [MTAq 53].

Thomas W. Hotchkiss for Town & Country wrote to thank Sam for the use of his photo for the weekly. Would he sign it if sent? [MTP].

Florence A. Stoker wrote from Chelsea, England, disappointed at not seeing Sam on his visit, but thanking him for the signed photo for her friend, Sally Campbell Clarke [MTP].  

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.