August 23, 1907 Friday

August 23 Friday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: We went over to the Deacon’s for tea this afternoon. This is the 2nd Friday that she has had a “bridge party” and we have been bidden for tea.

The King cannot bear to write letters. He looks at a pen with a shudder in these days. The King is getting up a nom de plume for Dorothy who wants one for the literary work she is planning to do in the future. He roamed around in his mind and thought of “Nebraska Chesterfield”, “Oregon Trail”, and finally on “Oregon de Baragay”. Sent in a note to her home, Jan. 15/35 with a snapshot of Dorothy.

This morning the Doubledays left, and Mr. Clemens said: “He is just a Doubleday, but she is a Double daisy” [MTP 91].

Myra P. Bray wrote from Gloucester, Mass. to Sam, relating a story told at a pharmacist’s convention by Congressman Frank Cirrus of N.H. about Sam demanding a sleeper car on a train without one, and refusing to budge until one was supplied. Bray was a stenographer but didn’t take down the whole story as it was long—where could she get the tale? [MTP] Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Sept. 18, 07”

Neltje de Graff Doubleday (Mrs. Frank N. Doubleday) wrote from NYC to thank Sam for the pleasure of their visit [MTP]. Note: A dowager writing in a hurricane has less lean to her handwriting than Mrs. Doubleday.

Nelson Gardner wrote to send Sam a book and to ask his opinion of “the dramatic poem” named “The Martyred Maid (Joan of Arc)” [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Aug. 31 ‘07”

Frank T. Searight for American Press Humorists, Los Angeles wrote to offer Sam $2,000 for a series of eight lectures [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Aug 31 07”



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.