August 20, 1907 Tuesday

August 20 Tuesday – The New York Times, p.3, announced “on good authority” that Rudyard Kipling was chosen for the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1907, and that Mark Twain had been suggested for same.

Joseph T. Brown for Knickerbocker Trust wrote to acknowledge Sam’s “note of the 18th,” placing an order for 1,000 shares of Utah Consolidated [MTP].

Frank N. Doubleday for Doubleday, Page & Co. wrote to Sam: “The Head-of-the-House and myself propose to take the 3.53 train Thursday for Tuxedo….I have had letters from the Kiplings which tell me some interesting things, and we anticipate still more interesting things from you” [MTP]. Note: to the side of the letter Lyon wrote for Sam: “Have read the short poems not merely once, but several times, & yet have not exhausted their deep charm, nor even diminished it. I had about made up my mind that if I were going to try to choose one to place at the head, it would be the one entitled, “So Kind Thou Art”

Miss May H. Prentice wrote from Cleveland, Ohio enclosing a clipping from the Cleveland Press, containing a letter by Mary Baker Eddy. Prentice called her a “genius” [MTP]. Clipping not in file.

Charlotte Teller Johnson wrote from Staten Island, NY to Sam, having rec’d payment from Maude Adams meant for Sam, the second half of her option for performing JA [MTP].



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.