October 9, 1881 Sunday

October 9 Sunday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Karl and Hattie Gerhardt (see also Sept. 22-23 entry).

While in Paris, Mrs. Warner was kept constantly at the bedside of the late Mrs. Fiske, so doubtless she got no opportunity to go to you. Mr. Warner left here 2 or 3 days ago, & is about sailing, now, for Europe. He will be in Paris, presently, & will hunt you up. We have received the two large drawings from Mrs. G.’s pencil, & we note enormous progress over her early efforts here in Hartford. If she keeps up this gait, in advancement, she will surprise & gratify us all. I have not seen St. Gaudens since I last wrote. We arrived here from Elmira a week ago; & meantime he has finished up his Hartford work & gone. But I shall run across him by & by [MTP].

Stephen C. Massett wrote to Sam: “You wrong me! I cut that ‘squib’ out of a country paper—headed just as I inserted it—I, thinking it—as did many others, very funny—sufficiently so to pass around, with all the honors!—so the only harm done is—that I see—a difference of opinion, about the fun, or wit of it…” [MTP]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.