October 20, 1881 Thursday 

October 20 Thursday – Sam and William J. Hamersley traveled to New York and met with Charles Webster at his engraving office [MTBus 171].

In Washington, Kate D. Barstow wrote again to Sam. This rather long and faded letter is on a large fold out stiff paper. She thanked Sam profusely, then referred to monies she would need for her books and dissecting equipment for studying medicine…her faith in teachers…her “love” for Joe Goodman who never answered her letters…and reminiscences:

The telegram reached me yesterday making me very happy—the letter came today. It will be useless for me to attempt to thank you. …

It seems fully a “million of years” since we used to chat together in the old International—Joe often the subject of our talk! Bless him! May he be happy if not prosperous!

Note: Kitty confessed naming a son after Joe Goodman! In itself this may not be unusual, but given her continued “devotion” and Joe’s abhorrence, there seems to have been some fire and much smoke between them. Was Joe jilted, tempted? Kitty also wrote of her Will having to wait 20 months for a trial but did not give the details, save he was innocent. She gained her medical degree in 1884 [See MTL 4: 78 notes, other entries to Sam].

Orion Clemens finished his Oct. 19 letter [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.