October 28, 1881 Friday 

October 28 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Webster. Of course he hadn’t thought Webster was out to “bleed him” and likened his motivation to Livy’s. He simply didn’t want Hamersley’s business added to his. Hamersley, the Hartford City Attorney, was instrumental in bringing the Paige typesetter investment to Sam, and wanted him to take some New York expert to see the machine, but Sam wasn’t going to get embroiled. Yet. He was still focused on the Kaolatype process for brass [MTBus 175].

Sam also wrote to James R. Osgood. “What day are you going to Canada? That’s the day that I’m going. Name it” [MTLTP 144].

Sam also wrote to Katherine K. Walker (Mrs. Edward Ashley Walker);  the letter later appeared in the New York Independent, undetermined date and page.

You spoke rather as if you should give up the idea of magazining the Bishop’s mind-telegraphing experiences since I had pre-empted the field; but I beg you to reconsider that impulse & banish it. This isn’t a matter of literature; it is a matter of science, & anybody who can contribute toward the sum of human knowledge concerning it, it is morally encumbent upon the same to do so [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.