October 29, 1881 Saturday

October 29 Saturday – In Washington, Kate D. Barstow wrote Sam thanks for sending money:

Dear Sam / Letter and check rec’d. Thanks!

If I did not acknowledge receipt of the check for $25 before – permit me to do so now—and pardon the mission. / Shall confine myself strictly to business henceforth.

Yours Gratefully, K.D. Barstow / 622 B St. S.E. [MTP].

Century Magazine wrote to Clemens: “Many thanks for your kind letter. We can wait for the ‘dwelling-paper’ if we must but in the meantime how about the books that keeps it from me? Eh?” [MTP]. Signed only “editor Century,” file note says it doesn’t appear to be any known editor. Sam’s letter referred to is not extant.

Edward W. Bok wrote from Brooklyn, NY mentioning that on March 16 of 1880 he’d sent a request for a “short note” in Sam’s handwriting but had heard nothing. He was now “respectfully” reminding [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Bok, the impossible”; See Feb. 24, 1882 for more on Bok.

Katherine K. Walker (Mrs. Edward Ashley Walker) wrote from New Haven to Clemens. A rather strange letter about publishing and her desire to be in “3 or 4 first-class magazines” [MTP]. See Sam’s Oct. 28.

Charles Webster wrote to Sam with news of a contract signed with the New Orleans Democrat for Kaolatype use. Nothing new in the brass process [MTP]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.