October 31, 1881 Monday

October 31 Monday – In Hartford, Sam wrote again to James R. Osgood, to coordinate when he needed to go to Canada. Osgood had written that the book could be set up in 48 hours there, so was no need to set it up in Boston. Sam could leave the evening or morning of Nov. 27, but since that was Livy’s birthday, he didn’t want to go the day before, as perhaps Osgood had suggested. Sam requested a copy of Voltaire’s “Age of Louis XIV” if Osgood could “scare it up in the English tongue” [MTP].

Sam also wrote again to Katherine K. Walker (Mrs. Edward Ashley Walker), responding to her Oct. 29 letter.

“Come now, please write that article & dispatch it to the magazine, Mine has gone where it won’t appear in print for several months, I judge. So you see yours would be almost certain to come out ahead of mine.” The rest of the letter contained a few of Sam’s thoughts on phrenology [MTP].

Orion Clemens finished his Oct. 30 to Sam [MTP].

Hubbard & Farmer bankers & brokers sent a statement Nov. 1 balance of $13,448.94 credit [MTP]. 

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.