November 2, 1881 Wednesday

November 2 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Thomas B. Aldrich about a check received for an article. Sam knew he’d written it since he’d received a check for it; if Aldrich had “any other articles” he didn’t “wish to be responsible for,” Sam wrote, “remember I am here.” Sam announced he would:

“…arrive in Boston about 4 to-morrow afternoon. Let’s dine with Osgood—what do you say? Invite Howells—better telegraph him, perhaps” [MTP].

Sam also telegraphed James R. Osgood that he would “come per New England road, & arrive about 1 PM.” He received a similar telegram from Osgood, which arrived just before he sent his. [MTP]. James R. Osgood had telegraphed: “Why not take New York & New England train leaving at nine & due here at one & have afternoon for consultation?” [MTP]. For Sam, this was another happening he called “mind-telegraphing”

Sam also wrote to Daniel W. Wilder (1832-1911), an early Kansas resident and one of its first historians. Wilder campaigned for Lincoln and was a Kansas delegate to the 1860 Chicago convention.

“I have just received the Herald, for which please accept my thanks. I shall be a resident of Canada, when the book issues there….Pity a book isn’t a machine: because a body could patent it, then, up yonder, & save the time & expense of that wintry journey” [MTP]. Note: Wilder likely reviewed P&P.

Orion Clemens wrote to advise Sam he’d bought 3 pecks of hickory nuts. Molly was ill [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote to Clemens that he’d seen attorneys Alexander & Green & they had “the matter” (unspecified) under consideration. He then commented on photos of the Clemens girls [MTP].

Edward Bunce wrote a postcard to Clemens: “I read your two notes this p.m. just as I was starting after the festive duck & no, I must decline your gory invitation. Otherwise would be delighted ‘To carve a slice of liver or two’ ” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.