November 17, 1881 Thursday

November 17 Thursday – Sam gave an introductory speech for Archibald Forbes (1838-1900), Allyn House, Hartford. Forbes was a British war correspondent who wrote several novels after this time. The Courant reported, “Mr. Clemens’s introductory was received with much applause. He said:— ”

Ladies and Gentlemen—It seems peculiarly fitting that a soldier should introduce a soldier to his audience; I exercise this function by this authority, for I who address you am not unacquainted with the grim sublimities of war. I having served, now, during more than two years, as an honorary private in the Connecticut militia, and in that time have dared all that they have dared, suffered all that they have suffered, and fought, bled and died as gallantly as the best of them. Why I was not invited to go to Charleston and Atlanta with my regiment the other day, is a matter which I cannot explain, counting out professional jealousy. I would have gone with a heart stored with the purest and most unselfish motives; and not as some others did, simply to get a new suit of clothes for nothing [Hartford CourantNov. 18, 1881 p. 2, “The War Correspondent”].

Sam also wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster, all about copper casting and the market for copper-cast patterns in California [MTP].

Orion Clemens wrote: “I meant the oldest of the papers I had sent. / Glad you are going to send the photographs.” He never could figure out when, growing up, Sam had become such a good grammarian [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote of a “bad accident this morning our metal pot has broken and so our experiments will be delayed until I can get a new one…if the brass don’t work I will try copper…as you say copper runs in finer lines than brass” [MTP].

Tiffany & Co. per David M. Armstrong wrote advising to have a new mantel made for the dining room, and the woodwork there to be painted [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “About mantel”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.