November 16, 1881 Wednesday

November 16 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to David “Wattie” Bowser thanking him for “the photographs & the pretty pictures.” Sam promised to reciprocate with a copy of P&P when it issued in December [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Edward House, through Osgood, still trying to coordinate House’s visit. Sam had to go to Canada in ten days and planned to return on Dec. 7. He’d been promised the use of the refurbished library and dining room by Dec. 15, so Sam hoped that House and Koto could visit at that time [MTP].

Sam also wrote to L.P. Hubbard, declining a dinner invitation celebrating the Pilgrims:

Having already accepted an invitation to a dinner in celebration of the 261st anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims, I am forced to decline…And I do it….with some degree of rancor against the Pilgrims because they did not split up & land on different days; for if they knew anything at all, they must have known that they were getting up an anniversary, & that to cramp it rigidly down to a single date would be an inconvenience to people by-&-by [MTP].

Henry Clay Trumbull wrote from Phila. to invite Sam to stay with them [MTP]. See Dec. 15 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.