April 3, 1905 Monday

April 3 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mother and I went to a delicious little restaurant, Italian—around in 10th Street. There we met Lilian Griffin. We had a friendly chat and enjoyed the Chianti and the macaroni. The Griffins’s have a studio here on 25th St. and Walter is painting portraits. Lilian is quite stout and looks matronly.

The Aphrodite is going to be placed on exhibition again. I must manage a view of it, and the exhibition of pictures too, up on 57th Street [MTP TS 49-50]. Note: see also Sam’s of Feb. 26.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Lewenhaupt / Mr. Clemens received a note from Slymond Galone [sic] saying that there is hope for the Tabard June [sic Tabard Inn] Corporation” [MTP TS 11]. Note: Seymour Eaton wrote Sam on Apr. 1 from Phila. on Tabard Inn Corp. Letterhead; this name likely was transcribed incorrectly. Clemens owned stock in the enterprise.

George B. Harvey wrote to Sam. “I have your note with the enclosure from Dr. Hale, but although I have read it through twice I cannot tell what it is about. Possibly you can inform me.” Harvey reported that his auto was “running like a bird,” and was at Sam’s “disposal any day except” weekends, if he would let him know a day or two ahead [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.