April 10, 1905 Monday

April 10 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mr. Clemens reads to Jean and me in the evenings his ms. of the “Admiral Story.” It is interesting beyond words. Mr. Clemens does probe so into understandings of humanity. He appreciates the beauty of many lives, the fearful tragedies of them—but he won’t admit that they’re anything but machines.

I went down to see Miss Harrison this morning for Mr. Clemens. She is tall, severe, business-like and well worth the ten thousand that Mr. Rogers pays her [MTP: TS 50].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Treatment. [Swedish Count C. Lewenhaupt gave Sam osteopathic treatments]

Mr. Clemens sent down 8[?] Miss Harrison the following coupons.

1 Brooklyn Gas $30.

10 U.S. Steel. 25.

due May 1—

20 Internation Navigation 25.

due in Aug.

Mr. Clemens read more of the Admiral MS. The admiral explains Adams inexperience in punishment [MTP TS 12-13].

Olga Woodruff Campbell wrote from Kansas City, Mo. to thank Sam for his picture sent [MTP].

April 10 ca. – Now back in N.Y.C., William Dean Howells wrote a sentence to Sam on Edward Everett Hale’s note dated Hampton Institute, Va., Apr. 8: “Have you any ideas on this subject?” [MTHL 2: 797]. Note: see n1&2 of the source for more on the campaign for amendment to existing copyright law.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.