April 23, 1905 Sunday

April 23 Sunday – Easter – Midnight at 21 Fifth Ave. in N.Y.C. Sam wrote to Joe Twichell.

Dear Joe— / I have just finished reading the history of Joe Hawley—a noble man, truly. I see that he was not the man to allow votes to be bought for him, & I do not believe he ever knew it. I thank you for sending me that paper.

I suppose the “Henry E. Burton” is the one who married Alice Day’s sister. I did not know he was dead [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Now this has been a day all full of glories. I went to Church of Ascension with Mother, but we didn’t sit together. The music was very beautiful…and the sermon, Mr. Percy Grant is quite unafraid, and speaks his thought. When we walked up 5th Avenue we saw Mr. Clemens on his way up to lunch with Mrs. Burden. He stepped like a dear spirit for lightness across the Avenue, and then was lost in the shifting crowd. In the afternoon Mother and I took bus and went up the surging Avenue as far as 59th Street. It was never so gay—never so full of lovely carriages and autos and sweet women in the most enchanting hats. And Oh, the frocks. I saw John Kendrick [Bangs] with his wife in a victoria. How I kept on a strange sympathy with that man when he lost his wife just before we went to Florence—but it didn’t find a footing, he didn’t need the sympathetic wave for he married his type-writer ever so soon. But that’s no harm. I’ve known of several men who have married several times—they couldn’t live without the companionship and sympathy of a woman, and I like the thought of it.

There’s a comfort in sitting beside a man sometimes, for instance this morning in Church I sat beside a quiet man, he scarcely moved, and he had no silken [MTP: TS 51-52].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Lunched with Mrs. Burden—7 East 91st Street.at 1:30

Mr. Clemens read more of the Adam Monument Story. $1000.00 for saving horse & buggy—[MTP TS 15].

Joseph Jefferson (1829-1905), famous American actor, died from pneumonia in Palm Beach, Fla. Isabel Lyon mentioned him in her Apr. 30 journal entry.

William Dean Howells and two others (likely Elinor and daughter Pilla) were invited to Sam’s for dinner [Apr. 19 from Howells].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.