April 17, 1905 Monday

April 17 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Tonight Col. Harvey dined here. To look at Col. Harvey you’d never think that he was a man with a literary appreciation or that he could talk—but he can and he gave us a very nice dinner party. Then Jean and I left Mr. Clemens and him while we came up to our rooms [MTP: TS 51].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Treatment. Paid. [Swedish Count C. Lewenhaupt gave Sam osteopathic treatments.]

Mr. Clemens went to the Italian Consul to sign a paper enabling Ingegnere Zannoni to act as his representative in the Villa di Quarto case.

Dental Appointment 11.30 A.M.

Col. Harvey dined here.

Mr. Howells arrived today from Italy [MTP TS 14]. Note: Howells had announced his departure date as Apr. 5—see ca. Mar. 15.

Norm G. Cooper, Insurance wrote from Brooklyn to Sam. “I send you a National Tribune—It may take your mind back to old times in Hannibal—I was there in 57-58-59 working for Mitchell the Jeweler. I remember the Helms, Dr. Duffield, Susan Norton, Theo Eddy—and Sister Eunice, and other[s].” Cooper wanted to “swap old time memories” and asked if Sam recalled a “Soldier paper Cooper’s Coffee Cooler, now defunct” [MTP]. Note: Sam had already left Hannibal by 1857. See Vol. I.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.