April 7, 1905 Friday

April 7 Friday – Sam discussed the MS of an article by journalist Isaac Frederick Marcosson about H.H. Rogers [IVL #2 TS 12; Gribben 479]. Note: Sam read the article on Apr. 5 and spoke with Rogers on Apr. 6. The article ran in the May issue of World’s Work.

At 21 Fifth Ave. in N.Y.C. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Robert Underwood Johnson.

“Mr. Clemens wishes me to say that he intends to be present at the conference which is called for Saturday April 22 at the Aldine Association. Mr. Clemens has delayed notifying you of his intention, owing to necessity” [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Mr. Clemens went down town with Mr. Rogers. Took Ins. Policy to Safety Deposit Co. cut coupons—went to Harper, saw Mr. Duneka about Josiah Flyent [sic Flint]—& other things.

Mr. Smith—heating expert from Mr. John Howells’s office looked over the house this morning, to make estimate for new furnace.

Mr. Mocasson [sic Marcosson] called with MS.—

Mr. Day & the Misses Day dined here.

Mr. Clemens sent MSS of C.S. Book, & Howells article to Mr. Duneka [MTP TS 12].

Note: “C.S. Book” was “Christian Science” MS, not published until 1907. Josiah Flynt (properly Josiah Flint Willard) (1869-1907) sociologist and author of several books, including Tramping with Tramps: Studies and Sketches of Vagabond Life (1901) which was inscribed by Flynt to Mark Twain [Gribben 777]. See Josiah Flint Willard to Sam Apr. 12, 1906; Sam to Willard Apr. 13, 1906.

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote to John T. Lewis, sending insoles. Ashcroft was trying to gain control of the rights to manufacture these [MTP]. Note: this is cataloged in error to Clemens.

Sidney C. Davidge wrote from NYC to Sam, announcing entertainment for the benefit of the families of Japanese soldiers and sailors killed in the present war. The meeting was to be at the house of Mrs. Mason C. Davidge, 62 South Washington Sq. at 11 a.m. on Apr. 14. Julia Ward Howe would preside. Clemens was urgently invited but not asked to speak [MTP].

Frederick A. Duneka wrote two letters to Sam. The first note, hand-written: “just a memorandum to call to mind your promise to let me have the ‘Christian Science Book’ and the article on Howells. He added a PS “It seemed mighty good to see you out again today.” The second note, typed: “This is just to acknowledge the receipt of the MS. Of the Christian Science Book,—of the article on William Dean Howells, and of the Italian book which is to be bound for Miss Jean” [MTP].

E.P. Rosenthal wrote on E.P. Rosenthal and Co., Publishers (Chicago) letterhead to Sam.

“Today I am sending you another volume and as I am anxious for you to get it as quickly as possible we will run the risk of sending it in the ordinary manner. So if we are lucky, you will get ‘Thoughts of a Fool’ by some mail.” Rosenthal wanted Sam’s thoughts—was this work funny? [MTP]. Note: Thoughts of a Fool (1905) by Herman Kuehn (1853-1918; pseud. Evelyn Gladys) [Gribben 389].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.