April 25, 1905 Tuesday

April 25 Tuesday – Sam inscribed a copy of A Dog’s Tale to Mrs. Bellows: “To / Mrs. Bellows / with greetings & salutations of / The Author. / Apl. 25/05.” [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Oh Bambino lying here on my desk—crooning away your song of comfort, you are a sweet little friend. I’ve been playing much music tonight Bambino—playing until I am saddened by the beauty of the strains.

Mr. Percy Grant came in for a moment. Jean went up to Tyringham. Mother came in for all the afternoon. Oh sweet mother. And Mr. Clemens was away all day, coming home very tired. He lunched with Professor Sloane’s wife—Oh—[MTP: TS 54]. Note: Percy Stickney Grant (1860- 1927) Episcopalian rector of New York’s Church of the Ascension (1893-1924).

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Treatment [Swedish Count C. Lewenhaupt gave Sam osteopathic treatments.]

Dentist 11:30

Mr. C. invited Mr & Mrs Hapgood to dine on Saturday

Jean left for Tyringham this morning with Katie.

Mr. C. had me telephone Mr. Rogers that he wanted to make the trip to Dublin N.H. in the yacht—Mr. Rogers says the roads are rough, the yacht goes into commission next week.

Mr. Clemens sent a little MS. a Conclusion to the C.S. article, to Mr. Duneka for his approval

Mr. Clemens lunched with Mrs Sloane [MTP TS 15-16].

Jean Clemens in Lee, Mass. sent a telegram to Sam. “Arrived well. Have Lyon send seigel [sp?] package at once / J.L Clements” [sic] [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.