April 13, 1905 Thursday

April 13 Thursday – Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2:

Mr. Clemens went to meeting of Council of American copyright league, at 4:30. 33 East 17th St.

Mr. R.U. Johnson’s Office—see Page 104

Dentist 11 A.M.

Proof of Mr. Howells appreciation came today. [The article would be published in July’s Harper’s].

Mr. Clemens called at Mr. Coe’s house—

Called also at Miss Clemens’s sanitarium.

Mr. Rogers dined here—Mrs. Rogers is ill [MTP TS 13].

Frank Beardsley wrote from Nottingham, England to thank Sam. He had recently been laid up when a friend brought him a copy of IA, which made him forget about his illness [MTP].

William Evarts Benjamin wrote to Sam, enclosing $250 returned by the Title Guarantee & Trust Co., relating to the Tarrytown sale [MTP]. Note: some $1,500 was held in escrow, likely for clearing the cloud presented by the trolley company’s offending tracks. These were released in segments.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.