a crowd so large that extra seats had to be moved into the hall (pg16 Cardwell)
Mark Twain's dry, purely American humor has aroused merriment for years and has developed a field of fiction in which no other author has ventured, at least without seeking aid from some second source of literary power to conceal the weak points of his imitative "Mark Twain" style. The humor is notably Yankee; no English reader of Punch could thoroughly appreciate the rich undemonstrative humor of Innocents Abroad--that is, if he takes Punch as his standard. Mr. Cable, on the other hand, has but recently appeared to present us with a series of character sketches treating of a race which though resident upon American soil are yet but little understood or even known by Americans outside of a few Southern States. His writings are in that respect foreign, and appeal less to the natural recognition of a native American reader; for that very reason, however, the great popularity which they have gained more commendation to the writings. As in their writings, so in their appearance, their manner, their style of delivery, their intonations and gestures, these two authors display pecularities different from each other, and yet both interesting and amusing.
The Boston Journal, 1884: November 11 transcribed by Touring with Cable and Huck
It seems likely that Twain returned to Boston after the lecture as there is a letter addressed to Major Pond from Boston dated November 11. (SLC to James B. Pond, 11 November 1884 · Boston, Mass., (UCCL 03023).)