November 6, 1884

Music Hall, East Orange, New Jersey

East Orange Gazette, November 13, 1884
Mark Twain and George W. Cable
A very novel and pleasing entertainment was given in Music Hall on last Thursday evening, consisting of readings by Messrs. Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain,) and George W. Cable. The former is widely known as one of the great American humorists, and the latter is the author of a number of stories of Creole life in Louisiana, which, published in the "Century," have attracted much attention. The novelty of hearing authors read their own compositions, together with the celebrity of both gentlemen, attracted a very large audience. Mr. Cable was the first to appear. He is a small man with a large forehead, and pleasant, animated manner, and his first selections, which were the rendering of several Creole songs, were very acceptably received by the audience. He then gave a rendition of "Raoul Innerarity," from this book "The Grandissimes." He was followed by Mark Twain, whose appearance was totally different from that of Mr. Cable. He is a man of considerable height with a decided stoop to his shoulders. His head, which is covered with bushy iron gray hair, is quite large and he speaks with a peculiar drawl in perfect keeping with the style of his compositions. After a humorous reference to the political election, Mr. Twain proceeded to give a "telephone talk," and for an encore gave some of the difficulties in learning the German language. Mr. Cable followed with another selection from the "Grandissimes" and one from another work entitle "Dr. Sevier," both of which were highly appreciated. Mark Twain then gave readings from some unpublished sheets concerning the famous Colonel Sellers, whose visionary projects excited the uncontrolled mirth of the audience. He also, after bringing the audience into the proper mood for its reception, told a ghost story, the termination of which was decidedly startling to the audience. The entertainment was much enjoyed by all those present and was very successful financially, as well, the house being crowded in every part.

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