November 20, 1884

Opera House, Newburgh, NY

Before leaving New York for Newburgh, the morning of November 20, Sam visited Ulysses S. Grant at his home on East Sixty-Sixth Street.  There, Sam offered to publish Grant's memoirs for a royalty of 20 percent or 70 percent of the profits plus $10,000.00 advance.

During those early days of the tour Twain seems to have thought highly of Cable as a performer. Cable was well pleased with himself all along, although he felt that he somehow struck a new and superior "streak" beginning on November 20, before a small audience at Newburgh, New York. (pg21-22 Cardwell)

"A Newburgh audience has had the pleasure of spending an evening with “Mark Twain” and George W. Cable. And enjoyed it to the utmost. The Opera House, where the entertainment was given, was only half filled. This may be accounted for by several reasons: Weather—several other largely attended first class entertainments on preceding evenings this week—the price of reserved seats—another reading in town the same evening—the night on which several church organizations hold weekly service, etc. But the gathering was select and appreciative." Newburgh Daily Journal November 21, 1884 p.2, col 5

An advertisement began in the Youth’s Companion for subscription agents for Huckleberry Finn. The ads ran Nov. 20, 27 and Dec. 11, 1884, and carried the line: AGENTS: “Splendid Terms. Canvassing Books Ready,” together with Charles L. Webster & Co.’s New York address. The canvassing books used by salesmen to pitch sales carried the famous obscene defacement of page 283, since Webster did not detect the obscenity until November 28, 1884, eight full days later. He then informed the New York Tribune and the New York Herald about the defacement [The Twainian, Mar-Apr 1946, p.1-3].

Sam called on General Grant at his New York City home on East 66 th Street to offer to publish Grant’s memoirs. When he left, “he was convinced that the general would give Charles L. Webster & Co. the rights to publish his memoirs” [Perry 115]. Grant discussed Sam’s offer with his children and Adam Badeau, then wrote to close friend and advisor George W. Childs to help him evaluate the situation [116].

Railroads:  Hudson River

The Hudson River Railroad to Beacon, also marked as Fishkill, then crossing the Hudson River on the  Newburgh-Beacon Ferry.